Monday 10 August 2015

Meditation from the bible Matthew 1:18-25

Matthew 1:18-25
In the womb of the Mary Jesus is a mystery and in the dilemma of Joseph Christ is a destiny.
Psalm 5:8; Isaiah 9:1-6;

God shall not give explanations to the questions of Mary and the doubts of Joseph but  will give orders and
aim in which Man has to walk by faith. Some mysteries are not to be revealed but there is  opportunities
and commandments to walk by faith.Deuteronomy 29:29; God is With everybody as Immanuel who takes steps by faith . Isaiah 7:14;

Saturday 8 August 2015

Meditation from the bible matthew 1:1-17

Beyond reason and logic God has elected me. I am Rev.Dr.Caleb Nangunuri.
God's love cannot be explained with my finite mind but only I am experiencing it.
Love cannot be examined in laboratory. The name of Jesus itself is a question and who can
explain it? And who can evade it?

Matthew 1:1-17

Every name has got its own stain but because of blending with the name of Jesus they became the children of God and stainless.

Abraham,Isaac,Jacob,David,Ruth,and Rahab everybody got some stains or some spots in their lives yet as they were cleansed in the blood of Jesus  they became the children of God and they became historical figures.
Jesus set his foot on the soil of life and the flowers of glory blossomed.